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Taking a snap n having lots of fun..... |
26'th Oct, 2010
Winter is just began and my bad habit is wake up lately in this season. My cell phone was ringing. Yeah that was call of Dorje Samdi. Clock was showing 6.15am. As I decided to join the Hiking Trip with TYS friends. Dorje samdi said 'samdi its getting late. Come fast'. we are leaving from here'. Then I said 'OK samdi..I am comming'. It was gonna be 7 O'clock and I got ready so hastily. Friends were already gathered at Buddha Chuchchepati. Then we catch the bus for Sankhu Kathmandu. That was starting point of our Hiking. Sakhu is really nice and typical colony of Newar people. I had never been there before. Pema described about the secrete of this place's name. It's shape is just like 'Shankha(cone)'. People of this place are hard working. they were working in field. We discussed about living style and social structure of Newari people. Our journey started. As I am from hilly region. And I had spent so many years of my life with playing and walking with the nature and ups down. But, I was feeling little bit difficult to walk. Because Its been so long time that I haven't walk for long time. I was so excited and having fun. I had got that chance after long time to interact with the nature. We had great fun with the nature. Birds, trees and plants and small rivers were making melodious sounds. Which were really heart owing. Friends were making jokes and funs. After crossing that height of jungle way we reached at Puwa. That place was really nice and beautiful. We all were so tired and hungry. I hadn't had any thing in the morning and I was about to lose my seeing ability. First of all we had tea and bread. People of that place were so funny and nice. Our friends made so many jokes with them. We ordered for lunch. Ramesh samdi and Pema samdi went to the school near by that Bazar. Where maximum numbers of Tamang students are studding. We took few snaps of photos with the background of Himalayan range of Nepal and natural views of that place. After having lunch we continued to walk. I am so impressed with the nature loving habit of Ramesh samdi. He was busy with taking snaps of nature and small and small things on the way. Discussing about social and cultural issues of our society, making jokes and watching the natural beauties finally we reached at our destination or ending point of Hiking that was Nagarkot. Nagarakot is popular place for seeing sun rise and sunset among us and all around the world. But I had never been there. And I felt it was my fortune to reach their. Wow...really nice place and nice people maximum numbers of habitants of that place were Tamangs and that made me so glad. We met TYS's Nagarakot Co-ordinator Dhiren. Friends talked about the up coming plans of TYS. Time was running out so after having coffee and momo we departed to Kathmandu.....!