My dear bro! where r u?
I'v heart that, u r in the sky....thats called heaven,
Is that true?there u dont have 2 face any troubles?
U r living in peace,
But, ma dear bro!
I'm just doing here n there,
Just searching 4u,
But, I cant find u anywhere,
My mind ask me question,
Where is my bro?
wht ru doing?Bro! why u dont care me?dont u love me?
Bro how did u forget all those things of our childhood,
when we used to play ' डन्दी बियो' n' गट्टा' n sometimes we made quarrels,
Yes! bro, I remember those moments,
I feel that was just yesterday!
But, but bro! how time has changed us,
U went to peace, Perhaps, u r having rest over there,
but bro, do u know what is my situation here?
Bro! are u seeing me?till when u wanna see me like this?
Please,my dear bro come here n take me with u,
I dont wanna live even a moment without u,
My dear bro 'Dhana' where ever you are,
Please give a glance to me,
and rest in peace.......ever....forever.........!
(यि शव्दहरु मैले मेरो स्वर्गिय आले धनको सम्झनामा कोरेको हुँ। उस्ले यो भन्दा एक वर्स अगाडि हामी सबैलाई माया मरेर यो संसारबाट विदा लिएको थियो। उस्को यादमा आज पनि मेरो परिवार शोक्मा डुबिरहेको छ।यी शब्दहरु उनै मेरो प्यारो भाईलाई समर्पित गर्न चाहन्छु।उस्को लागि अब मोइले यो सिवाय अरु के नै गर्न सक्छु र।अनी तपाईंहरुसामु पनि प्रस्तुत गरेको छु।)